Literayry Masterpiece

Chapter 1: I woke up
It was a day in the niht when I had thyght tat mayeb wake up was needed. So I woke up and saw that a man was looking at me throuh his window. Ot was scary and his name was Mario. I then deciced to call someboyd up for this. Because I was worried that thing would happen.
Chapter 2: Somebody Dies
So I called my firedn and his name is Jack. "Whey Mario look at me and I think he has triangles in his eyes." I demanded angirly and then Jack was like no way 1.
Jack made his Nepear way here. Once he was here we callwd th Bi Hero 6 Leiion. In it was the heroes and the black one is the one that win;t de get its cuss thats the cliche. So I put on my pink thong and we had meeting.
"We need to have meeting to destroy teh Illuiminati dark ones." Heio from Big Hero 7 said.
That one worker dude died by a missle launcher.
Chpter 3: Illuminati
In the house next door there was meeting. In it contained all the evil. It had Mario, Ganondork, Kronos, Reverse Flash, Bear, Spooky Scary Skeletopn, Darth Sidious, Kylo Ren, Darth Maul, Dayh Vader, Suaron, Voldemoetr, Chris from Total Draa,, Evil Patrick, Jared, Giovanni, Archie, Maxie, Cryus, Gehtesis, N, Team Flare Bullshit, Oso, You mothers homework, Devimon, Dr Doom, Mandarin, Joker, Faace Al Cool, Female, Trump, odzilla, Vegeta, Frieza, The Covanent, reen Goblin, Sonic.exe, Slenderman, Jeff, BEN, Jane, and te worst one of all........ BILL CHIPEHE>R
"Oh my god 1 we need more bad team." Bill caid and then women from Cry skull came in and joined. AFterwards they had a meetin on how to defeat good team.
"I saw we fight Legolas first and then kill him because he a elve and elf nt supoed to die but when he do that mean that they are not immortal."
"Yes I agree and then afterwards we kill Ikaruga and make Jack depressed. That will be hilarious to witness." fter that their plan was made and teh meeting was over.
Chapter 4: I eat
So I realized that I was super hungry. I went to te firdge and saw that there was a not for me. "Turn yourself in or else you will be arrested" I said that i was from te Walkin Dead guy. I was like no way so I showd it to Jack and Nepgear wheo are trying to have their 729th child right now.
"This means taht they are evil to." The loser guy from hero six said and I nodde in disagreement.
"How dare you be a prpepr?" I asked and took out my knfie. "Are you secret spy for illuiminati?"
"Yes I am you busted me. I want too redeem myself thoygh. Will you give me third chance." Loser from hero six said and I thought on it.
"Okay but in chapter 7 you will turn on us again and then you will die. Get it spoiler." I broke the sixth wall get it like sixth sense. That movie is hot. Then we ordered pizzza and the dieliver was Jason West. Get it because Jason and Wally are married. Barry approved of it Graysonly.
"You want to see my monkey?" Jason asked Jack because he was ay get it. He pulled out a moeky and it was Curious George.
"He will be the infiltrator to figure ott bad team." Nepgear decided and there was news.... SHE WS PREGNANT!
Chapter 5: We get her to the hostpital
Our dog car was whining the shwhol tiem ebcause hes a prep and he hates the fucking goths. Even though he is so dark. While we wwere in the car we were talking about Platying Mass Effect on the deep web. "Who bets all the chesta are on there." Hiro asked and then he looked it up because he is supposedly really smart. Because he is in college and he is fourteen minutes old et it. Sex.
But there was disturbing on there. The guy from Saw came out and fucked and kileld Hiro. We cried but got over it like it never happened after like five milliseconds.
"Is it a boy or irl?" Jack asked Nepgear and she flipped his hair off. Jack got a boer from it.
"Nobody cares." Nepgear declared. And then soon enough there was a giant spider in front of the hospiatl. Lupn the third came in and shot it hardcore. He killed it and decided he would join ggood team. SO it was decied then.
Once in teh hospital Nepgear was giving labor and we told the people we needed in instaly. But there was a cathc. Joker was there.
Chapter 6: Joke Battle
So The joker was all telling us how to save our rent and he said that in order to do so he needed to fucking kill us. How fucking rude of that prep? Anyaywa s so we decided that fiht was the only way we can defeat im so after a while we took out hostpital stuff and used that as weapon. He took out his knife that he has in the omvie and stuff and then he started to try and kill us. We got a cut on him but then he managed to kill the chck from hero six meaning that there was only the loser uy and the black guy and nobdoy cares about teh rest. Then Goke came into teh room and did a speell of wave and early killed the man and then Joker blew up. Afterwards we had teh intense labor and it turned out the babby was a grl. We namd her Mio. As a result Jason Brody that fucking pererrt from Far Cry show up and siad taht he would jojn the good team.